Short Film Scripts Pdf

Short Scripts (multiple genre) - A Showcase for Original Scripts on the Net! See new additions below or pick your genre on the left. Please Note: If you wish to contact any of the writers, please change the (a) to an @.This was put into place to keep dopey spammers from harvesting e-mail addresses from the site. Short film script PDF 1. Darkness by Brandon Wood 2. NIGHT We start with a wide shot of the house a bright light in the corner of the screen as the camera slowly moves closer and closer to the house the street is silent. 13 Ghosts by Neal Marshall Stevens (based on the screenplay by Robb White) revised by Richard D'Ovidio. 16 Blocks by Richard Wenk. One Eight Seven by Scott Yagemann. 25th Hour by David Benioff. 2001 Maniacs by Chris Kobin & Tim Sullivan. 2010 The Odyssey Continues by Peter Hyams (based on the novel by Arthur C.

[Helicopter Blades Whirring]

[Helicopter Blades Whirring]

[Man] The time has come

to go to war again.

Not with Iraq, international terrorists,

or what was once Yugoslavia...

but with the medfly...

a potentiallydevastating insect...

that has chosen to make California

its new home.

Despite assurances that spraying poses

no significanthealthrisks to the public...

the public is not convinced.

People sense they're being

kept in the dark purposely.

Furthermore, there is no consensus...

as to whether the objectives

are even realistic.

[Commentator Continues]

Is this a war that can be won?

Some say no.

Are wejustgoingthrough the motions

so certainpeople can cover themselves?

- [Man] Honey, it's on.!

- [Commentator] Some say yes.

- Okay, I'm coming.

- How is this war fought?

It's like fishing.

We use bait.

Actually, the bait is spread over our city

at night, like a glaze.

This is very discriminate bait...

- Do you have to wear your glasses on TV?

- like smart bombs...

- Shh.

- that destroy one thing, but nothing else.

The bait attracts the hungry,

newly hatched medflies...

and poisons only them.

[Commentator Continues]

The war's objective is clear-

destroy the medfly

before it has a chance to destroy us.

[Commentator Continues, Fades]

Cello, Strings]

All right.

- [Whispering] Look over there.

- [Continues]


Marian, what's so interesting?

Isn't that Alex Trebek?

- Alex Trebek? Where?

- Over there, next to the woman

Short Film Scripts For Students

with the white hair.

[Woman Gasps]

Is that Alex Trebek?


Yes, I'm sure it is.

Who's Alex Trebek?



[Helicopter Blades Whirring]

[Helicopter BladesContinue Whirring]

[Commentator]... takentheir time adopting

a policy of coexistence with the medfly...

'cause that's the only

realistic course open to us.

[Woman] Oh, Andy,

you're a long ways away.

I'm in L.A.

Can you hear the helicopters?

Commentator Continues]

What are you wearing?



That was fast.

Short Film Screenplay Pdf

[Piano, Jazz Band]

Telugu Short Film Scripts Pdf


If you're looking for a rainbow

You know there's gonna be some rain

Short Film Scripts Pdf

One minute

you're filled with happiness

Next minute there's nothing but pain

One Actor * Two Actors * Three Actors * Four Actors * Five Actors * Six Actors


'Wishing' - Monologue from a published play - Female

Click for MorePlays for One Actor


'The Last Can' A short play about two people in love... at the end of the world... with only one can of food left. (for 1 male and 1 female)

Click for MorePlays for Two Actors


'Rock, Sword, Firecracker!'Short comedy about the legend behind the game of Rock, Scissors, Paper. 3+ actors (any gender)

Click for MorePlays for Three Actors


Death Takes the Train A short play for four actors about Death's new mode of transportation.

Click for MorePlays for Four Actors


'Touched by an Alien' Short comedy about space explorers that discover a new kind of alien. 5 actors of any gender (plus possible non-speaking roles).

Click for MorePlays for Five Actors


Short Film Scripts Pdf Free Download In Hindi

'Superhero Support Group' Short comedy about superheroes who don't feel so super anymore. 6 actors.

Short Film Scripts Pdf

Click for MorePlays for Six Actors

Featured Scene:
D. M. Larson
Short comedy scene for 2 actors
(Fart sound in darkness)
DIGBY: Did you hear that? It sounded like a fart when I squeezed the tube It's coming out all brown and squishy - ew! Anyone else grossed out by this?
(Lights comes up on DEBBY. DEBBY is facing the audience)
DEBBY: It's such an honor to be auditioning for you. I love all your commercials, like the one about Frank's Flavored Dentures. Hilarious! I need a moment to warm up before we get started. Mi, mi, mi. La, la, la. Okay, I'm ready as a bowl of spaghetti. Here is my audition: 'Peace's peanut butter flavored toothpaste. Brush with our better peanut buttery paste.' And here is version 2. I thought I'd rewrite it a bit. I hope you don't mind. 'Peace's peanut buttery paste is something you should taste. Brush better with Peace's peanut buttery toothpaste.: How's that? Was that good? You like it? Did I get the part? Please... I need this job. My rent is overdue and I need this so badly.
(DIGBY enters and shows her off)
DIGBY: Time's up. Let's go.
DEBBY: Or I could be one of your writers... did you like my version better?
DIGBY: Come on.
DEBBY: Please!!!
(Lights fade to black as DIGBY struggles with DEBBY)
Scene from script 'Blondes Prefer Gentlemen'
ISBN-13: 978-1985331877
Low cost PDF:

Important Copyright Notice

These scripts may be used for FREE but PLEASE do NOT repost the TEXT of any script online in any way. Students, actors, teachers and student may use the scripts for acting or classroom activities and even videos, but do NOT repost them on the internet. Please link to the scripts on the website. We love that! But these scripts are published and protected by copyright (c) 2001-2018 so do not upload the text of a script. Performing the scripts for an audience or on a video is totally okay. Just be sure to credit the author and our website ( Thank you!


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