Switch Port Mapping Template

The Managed Switch Port Mapping tool maps the physical port connections of a managed network switch to MAC and IP addresses of the attached devices using SNMPv1/v2c/v3. Capable of mapping many different brands and models of managed switches. Saves technicians time mapping out the physical layout of your network by helping identify network devices attached to the physical switch ports.

  1. Wi-Fi & Wireless. Many home network layouts work fine, but most are variations on a basic set of common designs. This gallery contains network diagrams for wireless, wired, and hybrid home networks. Each network diagram includes a description of the pros and cons of that layout and tips for building it.
  2. Map highlighted by routing protocol. Static routing design. IGP routing design. BGP routing design. L2 Topology Block. Connectivity between all network devices in the map. Connections between end systems and switch ports. Network Change Block. Summary report of config file.

Configuration templates can allow many Cisco Meraki devices to be deployed following a single base configuration. This makes it much easier to roll out new sites/users and maintain consistency across each site's configuration. It is most useful in cases where a large number of sites exist that share a common network design. Such as a retail deployment with many stores, or a large number of home users with Z1s connecting to a corporate network over VPN. Sites as part of a template can have exceptions to the configuration, and devices that need to be treated differently can be bound to a template. However, it's important to note that not all settings can be changed on a site bound to a template.

Note that configuration templates cannot be used on networks with Systems Manager or MV Cameras.

Creating a Configuration Template

To begin, a configuration template must be created. This template will then be used as the base for all of the networks that are bound to it.

To create the configuration template:

  1. Navigate to Organization > Configuration templates.
  2. Click Create a new template.
  3. To create a template based on an existing template or network, choose Copy settings from and select the appropriate network or template.
    Or to create a blank template, choose Create new and name the template.
  4. Provide a Template name.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Select any Target networks that should be bound to use this template, then click Bind.
    If no networks should use this template yet, skip this step by clicking Close.
  7. Click Save Changes.

Modifying a Template

Once a network has been created, any changes desired for all of the bound networks must be made to the template. To edit the template's configuration, select it from the Network dropdown under 'Select a template', and make any desired changes. The tabs on the left-hand side of the page can be used to navigate configuration options as normal. Some settings may exist which aren't relevant for all devices in bound networks, such as Wireless settings on a bound MX100, or extra port configurations. Extraneous settings will be ignored on devices not able to use them.

MR - Wireless Network Templates

MR access points can be managed and deployed in bulk using network templates. It may be helpful to group into common deployment types, such as retail locations or branch offices, so APs deployed at different locations all use the same SSIDs and authentication methods. This way, a user at one location can seamlessly join wireless networks at another location without needing to provide a different PSK or credentials.

MX - Template VLAN IP Address Range Allocations

While Configure > Addressing & VLANs > VLANs is set to 'Disabled', all bound security appliances will use the same subnet. This allows for a high level of consistency across all sites, but it inherently disallows the use of Site-to-site VPN, as each site would result in a duplicate route. This means that VLANs must have unique subnets to allow for Auto VPN, as VPN subnet translation is not enabled by default.

Note that, in order to avoid subnet overlap issues, Auto VPN is disabled for cloned networks when using templates.

To allow for the use of Site-to-site VPN, set the VLANs field to Enabled. This will then provide several new configuration options specific to templates:

  • Subnetting: Determines how addressing for the VLAN will be handled on each bound network.
  • Same: All networks will use the same Subnet and Appliance LAN IP for this VLAN. Not eligible for site-to-site VPN.
  • Unique: Each network will get a uniquely assigned Subnet and Appliance LAN IP based on the Subnet options.
  • Subnet: The network addressing for this VLAN, based on the Subnetting selection.
  • Same: The subnet in CIDR notation to be used for all networks bound to this template.
  • Unique: Select a subnet mask in CIDR notation, and the private address range for it to come from.

When using Unique Subnetting, the appliance IP will always be the first usable IP address within the range automatically allocated. The subnet will be randomly selected based on the address space and subnet mask, but will not use any subnets that have previously been used in the organization.

When selecting a subnet allocation, it's important to keep in mind how many unique networks can be created with that selection. More networks cannot be bound to a template than can be supported by the number of unique allocations available. To calculate the number of unique subnets, take the number after the '/' in the second box and subtract it from the number after the '/' in the first box. Then use the result as a power of 2.

Ex. /24 from would allow for 256 unique subnets.

Ex. /23 from would allow for 32,768 unique subnets.

If a network is unbound from a template, its subnet is made available for use by other future networks.

For more information on IP addressing and subnet masks, refer to the following articles on IP addressing and subnetting and subnetting fundamentals.

Note: When selecting Unique subnets, ensure that the address space being provided for use by the template is not currently in use by other networks. Otherwise, networks utilizing the template may overlap with other individually configured networks.

MX - Firewall Rules and DHCP Reservations for Templates

You have additional source and destination options when configuring layer 3 firewall rules for a configuration template. Because the subnet for a given VLAN may be different in each template child network, VLAN objects allow you to create firewall rules using the VLAN names as source and destination network objects, rather than actual IPs or CIDR subnets. These VLAN objects are automatically translated by each child network into the local subnet associated with that VLAN.

If you wish to use only a certain IP within a VLAN in a firewall rule, you can add a host bit. For instance, let us imagine that you have a firewall rule containing the source Data.50 representing the Data VLAN, host bit 50. If a child network has subnet for the Data VLAN, this source will be interpreted in this network as

Mousing over the VLAN dropdown when entering a Source or Destination will display a hover list of available VLANs and their addressing.

DHCP reservations can be configured in much the same way. The VLAN name for each DHCP scope will be autopopulated, and only the host bits of the reserved range needs to be set.

MS - Switch Templates and Profiles

MS Switch templates consist of two components: Template networks and switch profiles. Whereas a template network is a standard template as defined above, a switch profile is a port configuration that can be shared by multiple switches of the same model.

For more information about MS templates and profiles, please refer to our Switch Templates Deployment Guide.

Binding Networks to a Template

Once a template has been created, networks that are bound to it will utilize its configuration as a base. Any changes made to the template will then be pushed out to all bound networks.

To bind an existing network to a template:

  1. Navigate to Organization > Configuration templates.
  2. Click on the row for the template (but not on the name of the template).
  3. Click Bind additional networks.
  4. In Target networks, select any additional networks that should be bound to this template.
  5. Click Bind.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Note: When binding an existing network to a template, its current configuration will be lost and it will begin using the template configuration.

To bind a new network to a template:

  1. Select Create a network from the network dropdown.
  2. Enter a Name, and select the appropriate Network type.
  3. For Configuration, select Bind to template and the name of the template created earlier.
  4. Click Create network.

Once bound to a template, individual networks will lose most of their Configure menu, and any changes impacting the network's configuration should be made from the template.

Creating Multiple Template-Bound Networks

Once a template has been created, the bulk network tool can be used to create multiple networks, bound to the same template (or based on an existing network configuration).

Moving Networks Between Templates

Once a network has been bound to a template, it can be moved to another template.

To move a network to another template:

1. Navigate to Organization > Monitor > Configuration Templates

2. Select the template where the network is currently bound

3. Select the network you wish to move

4. Click Rebind

5. Select the new template and then click Rebind

Unbinding Networks from a Template

If a network needs to stop following the shared configuration, so that it can be configured independently, it must be unbound from the template.
Note: When a network is unbound from a template, all devices within the network will revert to the configuration last used prior to any template binding, regardless of current network.

To unbind a network from a template:

  1. Navigate to Organization > Configuration templates.
  2. Click on the row for the template (but not on the name of the template).
  3. Check the box next to the network(s) that must be unbound.
  4. Click Unbind.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Note: When a network is unbound from a template, it will retain some settings (such as addressing and VLANs) but most settings will revert to their state before binding, if there were any.

Local Overrides

Once a network has been bound to a template, some options can still be configured normally. Any local configuration changes made directly on the network will override the template configuration.

Note: Updating the same options on the template will not clear a network’s local overrides. To clear local overrides, the network needs to be unbound and rebound to the template. The only exception is non-combined MR template, which can be reverted via the Organization > Monitor > Configuration templates page.

Below are overrides that can be configured for networks bounded to a template. Please refer to the product specific guides for more details:

MX/Z - MX Templates Best Practices

  • Addressing & VLANs subnets

  • DHCP exceptions

  • NAT / Forwarding rules

  • SD-WAN & Traffic shaping Uplink Configuration

MS - Templates for Switching Best Practices

  • Switch ports (Access Policies*, Port Schedules*)

  • Routing and DHCP

  • OSPF Routing

  • Port Management Profile

  • Stack Management

  • DHCP Snooping

  • Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)

MR Access Points

  • SSIDs (name, enable/disable)

  • Access control

  • Radio Settings (RF Profiles)

*Note: These configuration must be defined at the template level

Deleting a Configuration Template

If a template must be deleted, it can be done so using the instructions below. When a template is deleted, all networks bound to it will be automatically unbound.

  1. Navigate to Organization > Configuration templates.
  2. Check the box next to any templates that should be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Read the important information on the next page, and confirm deletion. Once a template has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
  5. Click Delete networks.

MX Port Numbers/Mappings

Port numbering can differ between MX models, which can cause confusion when assigning a configuration to a specific port number in a template. For example, a configuration on LAN 2 in a template doesn't affect any ports on an MX65.

The table presented at Port Mapping for different MXs models outlines template port numbers and their corresponding physical port on some MX models.

Port association on templates

Please be mindful that port association on templates are designed to support MXs smaller than the (included) MX100.

Modifying/Setting Secondary WAN Ports

You can toggle the LAN2 port between LAN and Internet, through Uplink configuration under the Local status tab on the Local Status Page.

Network design is a crucial aspect of any enterprise-grade network. The way a network is designed impacts your network monitoring capabilities and your overall system performance, making it as important a factor as the infrastructure itself. Your topology structure will be the foundation for conducting quality of service monitoring and troubleshooting, so having a strong awareness of how your topology works is crucial. As such, understanding your topology and how to design a network appropriately is key to your network’s success.

This guide provides network design help along with a list of the best network design tools currently available. SolarWinds®Network Topology Mapper ranks highly because it offers an impressive range of advanced utilities—including automatic network discovery and multiple discovery method options—delivered through a user-friendly interface.

Skip to The Best Network Design Software list >>>

The Importance of Network Design

Because network design serves as the foundation for effective network monitoring, it directly informs your ability to maintain service quality. Without a comprehensive understanding of how your network components fit together, service quality maintenance becomes extremely difficult. This is why you need a topology map, which will give you visual insight into your network’s exact structure.

A topology map is useful in gaining an in-depth understanding of how your hardware communicates and the speed at which packets are transferred and how this impacts quality of service. By creating a robust topology structure, you can establish a network that prevents single points of failure and minimizes bottlenecks.

With a topology map, identifying faulty devices becomes faster, more accurate, and less stressful. In a critical situation where rapid troubleshooting is required, effective network design and topology mapping can make all the difference.

What Is Network Design?

The phrase “network design” refers to how network infrastructure is planned and structured. The network design phase is normally executed by specialist network designers, IT administrators, engineers, or other IT professionals. It happens before the network infrastructure is fully implemented.

Network design is a complicated process involving evaluating and scoping the network to be implemented. The design process is typically depicted in the form of a network diagram, which is the blueprint for the physical implementation of the network. Network design will typically include the cabling structure, a logical map of the network to be implemented, the quantity of network devices, the type of network devices, the location of network devices, the IP addressing structure, and the network security architecture.

At the heart of all network design is the OSI network model, which comprises seven layers:

  1. Physical layer
  2. Data link layer
  3. Network layer
  4. Transport layer
  5. Session layer
  6. Presentation layer
  7. Application layer

When it comes to network topology, the lower levels of the OSI model are the most important, so this guide will focus on the first four layers. Knowing how these layers work will contribute to your understanding of how to design a network.

The Physical Layer

As its name suggests, this layer refers to all the hardware and equipment on your network that can be physically handled. This includes computers, cables, routers, printers, laptops, and everything in between. The physical layer also encompasses the wireless and electric signals. At the level of this layer, IT administrators or network designers should be focusing on ensuring devices are connected appropriately and there isn’t too much distance between connected devices.

This is one of the most important layers for the network design process, especially if you’re designing a network for a large, enterprise-scale environment. Equipment location will affect your service quality.

The Data Link Layer

Also called the logical link layer, this takes protocol data units, or PDUs, that have been transferred by the network layer and prepares them to be transmitted by a container. In an enterprise network, the Ethernet usually serves as the container, with most WAN providers using it to transmit your service. This layer is also used by wireless (IEEE 802.11) technology and the Address Resolution Protocol.

The Network Layer

The network layer determines the logical addressing and the direct path of every single communication. The software and devices functioning at the network layer level retrieve packets from a source and establish the route they’ll take to their final destination. The network layer delivers data to the data link layer in a ready-to-transmit state.

The Transport Layer

The transport layer is responsible for transporting the data. All previous layers are involved in the process of addressing, routing, and delivery, while the transport layer determines how the information is broken down and delivered. It separates data into packets, reassembling them according to the direction they are traveling when appropriate, before sending them to the network layer.

Best Network Design Software

So far, this guide has answered the questions of what network design is and why it’s important. If you’re looking for further network design help, employing appropriate network design tools can make the process less time-consuming, more efficient, and more successful overall.

I’ve ranked the following network design tools with consideration of their range and sophistication, user-friendliness, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. I have outlined their most notable benefits and any pitfalls you should be aware of.

SolarWinds is a company with a reputation for creating some of the best IT monitoring and management programs on the market, including the well-known SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor, which most IT administrators are likely to be familiar with. The SolarWinds product range is known for dependability, user-friendliness, and an intuitively designed user interface. SolarWinds provides ample support to their customers, with technicians available 24/7 and a vast community of users accessible through the THWACK forum.

Network Topology Mapper (NTM) ranks highest on this list because it uses a unique multi-layer discovery technique to automatically discover your WAN or LAN. Typically in a matter of minutes, this network design software produces network diagrams integrated with OSI layer 2 and 3 topology data. This includes switch-to-node, switch-to-router, and switch-to-switch port connections, with other detailed device information. You can also use the auto-discovery capabilities to edit node details of map objects and connect network devices manually.

All this data can be easily exported in an easy-to-view format. Export file types include PDF, Microsoft Visio, and PNG. NTM can also schedule updated map exports to the Network Atlas feature, which you can use to create custom network maps and diagrams. Exports can then be shared with colleagues, so your whole team has visibility into your network topology.

This network design software supports network regulatory compliance. NTM is FIPS 140-2 compliant and allows you to directly address a number of regulations, including PCI, to ensure your network is up to date and audit-ready.

In addition to auto-discovery, NTM can automatically detect changes to your network topology. With scheduled scans, this tool keeps you informed of any new devices or changes. It also provides access to a range of reporting tools, including inventory and network reports, so you can stay on top of network information. Reports can be generated for VLANs, subnets, and switch ports, as well. Report creation can be fully automated, saving you time and resources.

This network design tool supports multiple discovery methods, including SNMP versions 1, 2, and 3; WMI; ICMP; CDP; Hyper-V; and VMware. This offers you a level of flexibility many network design tools don’t provide.

As with other SolarWinds products, the user interface for Network Topology Mapper is easy to navigate. With so many automated features, you can have your network topology map ready in a matter of minutes. Manual intervention is possible, so you can tweak the settings to suit your specific requirements. This network design tool even allows you to manage the size and placement of icons and surrounding text on the topology maps.

Overall, the combination of user-friendliness and advanced capabilities makes Network Topology Mapper among the best of the network design tools on the market. Although it cannot support the complete network design process, the automated mapping capabilities serve as an important guide to all network design activities. If you want to try before you buy, a 14-day free trial is available.

CADE is both a 2-D vector editor and a topology mapper. This Windows-based suite of design tools resembles Microsoft Visio, allowing you to create your own custom diagrams and plot out your network topology. While this network design software could offer more in the way of automated capabilities, it does come with the advantage of being flexible. So, if you like to have complete control and prefer manual processes over automated ones, CADE is a good option.

CADE is a Windows program, but it’s also available as a web-based user interface, which means you can access it from anywhere you have an internet connection. This is especially useful if you work from multiple devices or aren’t often at your desk.

This versatile network design tool lets you draw maps, electric circuits, flowcharts, and more. It uses predefined blocks to make drawing easier, but also allows you to draw your own custom blocks. The predefined blocks are specifically designed to assist with 3D mapping, electronic circuits, office layout, and networks, so you can expect a suitable range.

The drag-and-drop functionality is easy to use, as is the ability to group, align, unalign, order, and rotate objects. If you register on the developer’s website, you can publish your drawings online.

CADE features a locking/unlocking function, which allows more than one user to contribute to your network design processes at the same time. This means if you’re scaling your network, juggling changes, or struggling to find the time to commit to network design, you can have other team members lighten the load. This reduces the amount of time you spend maintaining topology maps, boosts productivity, and encourages collaboration. Because multiple users can have access to CADE simultaneously, this also helps prevent mistakes caused by human error.

When your network topology map is complete, you can export it in different formats, including JPG, EMF, XAML, and PDF. The export can be sent to other team members for further analysis. The ability to export maps in a range of formats allows you to easily import them into other network design tools, if necessary, in addition to including them in presentations and documents.

CADE’s design is basic, but it offers enough of a range of capabilities to be suitable to most businesses. However, upscaling would be easier if it offered auto-discovery and detect features. As a free program, CADE is generous, but can’t achieve the same enterprise-grade offering as paid tools. You can download it here.

Dia is an open-source program for creating network diagrams quickly and intuitively. While this program doesn’t have an especially advanced or dynamic interface, its simplicity is one of its main advantages.

Dia is a popular network design tool, largely due to its impressive library of objects. This gives you flexibility when creating topology maps and other diagrams. Dia also features a significant number of Cisco-based network elements, covering switch, network, computer, telephony, and miscellaneous diagrams.

As a free tool, Dia is highly functional. However, its user interface is rudimentary, and it isn’t very scalable. It does, however, create high-quality diagrams. Dia Diagram Editor is available for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. You can download it here.

Microsoft Visio is among the best-known diagram mapping tools available and has been for many years. It’s especially popular among network administrators, who are likely to use this program for device charting. Microsoft Visio offers a crisp and sophisticated user interface, along with a familiar aesthetic that adheres to the color scheme and layout of all the standard Microsoft Office products.

Microsoft Visio stands out because it offers a large bank of templates for you to choose from. You can download templates for data center setups and network devices, making the network design process faster and simpler. Templates include thousands of built-in “wireframes,” customizable shapes for transforming data points into visual stories.

Visio supports collaborative network design processes, with an in-app commenting capability, so stakeholders and other key parties can contribute their thoughts directly to the diagrams. The program also supports sharing via SharePoint and OneDrive for Business, although you’ll have to purchase these separately.

With automatic generation of organizational charts from multiple data sources, including Excel, Azure Active Directory, and Exchange, Visio can save you a lot of time. The program also features AutoCAD support, with the ability to import DWG files, even in enhanced file formats.

The best feature of Microsoft Visio is its flexible editing capability, which lets you alter the shapes of existing diagrams without losing the layout and shape connections. This means you can make changes without risking losing any of your previous work in the process.

This network design software has the bandwidth to handle small and large networks, so it’s scalable and suited to enterprise-grade requirements. It’s available for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019, and can be purchased here.

Edraw is a powerful, all-in-one diagramming application that allows you to draw fishbone diagrams, flowcharts, UML diagrams, floor plans, office layouts, and more. You can create more than 280 different diagram types, from infographics to technical drawings.

With a massive library of templates and symbols at your disposal, you can get started with network design immediately. There are thousands of templates, which are professionally and intuitively designed, to choose from. Edraw offers excellent file compatibility, so you can import Visio files and export your diagrams in a range of formats. This includes Visio, Word, PDF, HTML, JPEG, and more.

Edraw has recently released an online version, which is another major benefit, allowing you to access the program from anywhere, on any device and on any operating system. If you have access to the internet, Edraw is at your disposal.

This network design software facilitates collaboration by letting you share diagrams on social media via an HTML link. Because it’s based on cloud storage, you can work on a project at the same time as other team members, while on multiple devices. You can access the Edraw download here, and choose between the Windows, Mac, Linux, or web versions of the program.

Switch port mapping template pdf

Diagram Designer is a free Microsoft Visio alternative. This simple vector graphics editor allows you to easily create illustrations, slide shows, UML class diagrams, and flowcharts.

This is a flexible tool, providing a customizable template object palette along with the ability to export and import in EMF, BMP, WMF, PNG, JPEG, MNG, GIF, ICO, and PCX files. The program is integrated with MeeSoft Image Analyzer, facilitating bitmap image editing and extended file format support. You can also use compressed file formats to reduce the size of drawings and diagrams. These features make Diagram Designer a highly versatile tool.

Visio Switch Port Map Template

The advanced pocket calculator, with equation-solving capabilities, is one of the tool’s best features. For freeware, this is a surprisingly sophisticated utility. The slideshow viewer and spell checker are other useful functionalities. Diagram Designer also features a graph plotter for plotting mathematical expressions in a simple way—a welcome utility that makes what would otherwise be a complex process much easier.

As freeware, this network design software isn’t easily upscaled. However, if you’re new to network design and want to try your hand at it, Diagram Designer is a great place to start. You can download the program here.

Network Notepad comes in numerous editions, including a freeware version, the Enterprise Edition, and the Professional Edition. The freeware version allows you to create interactive network diagrams, with some basic functionalities. Available for Windows, it features a simple drag-and-drop interface and supports the creation of linked diagrams and flowcharts.

Network Notepad Professional Edition includes the freeware features, plus tabbed multi-page diagrams, customizable shapes, improved graphics, grouping and locking functionalities, and the ability to rotate text and objects. The Enterprise Edition includes all the Professional features, in addition to facilitating multiple-user collaboration on network diagrams.

Excel Switch Port Mapping Template

CDP Neighbor Tool is an add-on for all versions of Network Notepad. It allows you to discover and draw what’s connected to your network devices by retrieving a table directly from the relevant device. There’s also an add-on ping utility, called NNMonitor, which can be used with the Enterprise and Professional versions of Network Notepad. NNMonitor lets you monitor all the nodes in a document and supports logging and email alerting. These add-ons are useful and among the best features of the tool. However, they’re not built in and must be downloaded separately.

You can access and download all the Network Notepad editions here.

Switch Port Mapping Template Pdf

Choosing the Right Network Design Tool

System Mapping Template Free

SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper tops the network design tools on this list. NTM is a great facilitator for robust, accurate, and efficient network design. The auto-discovery feature sets this tool apart from others, because it requires the least manual intervention.

Project Mapping Template

SolarWinds NTM saves IT administrators and network designers ample time and resources, delivering a user-friendly and sophisticated topology mapping solution. Reporting tools, multiple export options, and multi-layer integration of topology data make it a highly scalable enterprise-grade program, suited to small and large businesses alike. Click here to access the 14-day free trial.